Thursday, April 23, 2009

I've Fallen & I Can Get Up

Ok! Ok, ok, ok. I admit it! My name is King & I cannot tell I lie. I previously wrote that I would make a commitment to write in our blog once a week & unfortunately, I miss the mark last week. So much has been going on w/so little time to do things. But, needless to say, I'm back & ready to roll. Sometimes when we fall off track, we lack the ability to find that inner strength to get back on course. When we get knocked down, it's not meant for us to stay down. Take heed to the reason(s) why we were taken off course, learn from it, get up, dust ourselves off & get back into the game.

Look at this way, imagine a boxing match going on. You've seen how one opponent will get knocked out, then the ref will stand over them & count down given the opponent an opportunity to redeem/get himself together to get back into the fight. If you'll recall, the fighter that gets knocked out, comes back swingin' stronger than before he got knocked. The same rule applies to us, whether its every living, projects at work, providing for our families or looking to make a major purchase (such as a house or car), don't get discourage. Continue on the path that you've set for yourself and/or your family. Get in the fight. Do your research. Have a definitive picture of what you want, what you can afford and what steps you must take to obtain the goal. Don't let anyone or anything get in your way of achieving your goals. You've set them, now work to achieve them. When we want something, its not going to come easy. If that were the case, we wouldn't have homelessness in the world, nor wars. There's a fight in us waiting to burst out.

Let yours be free! Until next time, PEACE!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Commitments -- We have all them!

Hi -- as promised, I'm trying to own up to my commitment of writing in my blog at least once a week. However, things have been hectic here at work since my manager has been on vacation. Been working like a Hebrew slave every since but I'm gettin' it done! Not too much has been happening since my last update. However, we have taken the time out to write this nice little piece right c'here: Check it out & let us know what you think.