Friday, June 26, 2009

On A Different Note

Recent events in the news have caused me to take a moment & reflect on the things that are most important in life. Things like your spouse, your children, family and friends. But, not only is time spent with them important, but also, you being there to spend time with them. That’s most important!

Let’s think back for a moment, shall we. Approximately, two weeks ago there was a report of a Continental Airline pilot that died while in flight. One media coverage spoke with his wife who reported that his passing was a complete shock to her. Naturally so, right? But she went on to say that he had just had an extensive physical done. He was “physically” fit and made sure he had a physical performed twice a year.

Ed McMahon. A legend in his own right. The cause of death has not yet been reported but preliminary reports speak to multiple causes of death. Farrah Fawcett who fought a long battle with cancer recently lost the fight. God bless her soul. I remember seeing a news report of a time where she was released from the hospital. She appeared frail but in very good spirits with that award winning smile of hers. Little did she know that smile did wonders for those that knew, watched and admired her. And, then, the shocker of them all…the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Cardiac Arrest. He will be missed by all and our prayers go out to the Jackson family. It’s hard to believe that he’s no longer with us. May he rest in peace.

By now, you may be asking yourself, what does all of them have in common? Their Health…that’s what. Whether you believe in God or not, your body is a temple and it was paid for with a precious price. It’s our responsibility to take care of the body that we’ve been given. We were charged to be wise stewards of that which He has entrusted us with. Therefore, do what you gotta do to take care of that which you have been given. It’s no different then the way you see to the upkeep of your home, car, etc. The same efforts you give to those things that have no value is the same you should give yourself and your body, which does have value. How else will you afford to be able to spend good, quality time with your loved ones. You can’t unless you take action.

So, in my quest to find out the truth about my body, I stumbled across Dr. Suzanne Gundakunst’s website. At first, I was taken aback by her blunt way of delivering the truth but then, I thought about and realized that her brutal honesty is exactly what I needed to hear in order to take action on the advice that she was giving. So, I ask you: can you handle the truth? I don’t think that you can.

If you think you can, then click here. Enter at your own risk. Don’t forget I told you so!

Until next time, peace!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Renter's Right to Know!

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been hearing some disturbing news about renters in homes that are going in/have been foreclosed on and its been unbeknownst to them that the home is in foreclosure. According to the news reports, the renters have paid their rent on time only to find the U.S. Marshalls at their doorstep ready to set them out.

It’s no fault of their own and its unfortunate to be placed in this situation, especially in these hard economic times. However, as a precautionary measure, you as a renter should do what you can to put in the place these precautionary measures:

1. Know the person with whom you’re renting from. Do your research; ask for references, in particular, how many properties do they currently own that are rented out?

2. Pay close attention to (DO NOT OPEN/READ it, that’s a Federal offense) the addressees & frequency of mail received at your address that’s addressed to your landlord. This could be a talltail sign of something going on.

3. Even though your renting, strive to make provisions to save so that you can eventually, one day, own your own. And, if these unforeseen circumstances do happen to arise, at least you’ll have something to fall back on to replace you and your family.

Long story short, you, as a renter, should be vigilant in pursuit your dreams of owning your own home. Why continue to let someone else profit from your monthly sacrifices when you can reap the rewards of homeownership for yourself.

With that being said, I’d like to hear from you. Share with me some of the the things you have endured in your pursuit to owning your own home. Feel free to post your story(ies) in the Comments section and tell us what you learned from your experience(s).