Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Double Dosage of Thankfulness

Have you taken a moment to stop & think about the things you are thankful for? Often times, we're so busy w/our everyday lives that we tend to focus on the negative or our trials that prevent us from doing what we really want to do that we forgive to give thanks for the things that we do have.

Well last week at Sunday Worship services, we received the beginning lessons of a teaching on Thanksgiving. The first lesson of the series dealt with What is Thankfulness? And, there were some profound questions that were mentioned as a result of this title. Questions like: Do I appreciate what I have; Am I grateful for what the Lord has done & Am I satisfied w/my life in Christ? These are definitely things that make you go Hmmm?

Now despite your religious beliefs, we can all relate to these questions. There's something in your life, be it family, your home or your job that you are thankful for. Do you appreciate what you have - do you value it, are you making an investment in it & are you taking good care of it. Are you grateful - are you acknowledging the thing (or person) that you're grateful for having & are you giving back as a result of the benefits you're receiving from it. And then, are you satisfied - do you have all you need to be complete. As an entrepreneur/business owner, etc., we're never satisfied because we're always striving to reach the next goal that we've set for ourselves. But, on the flip side of that we must not forget where we came from. Reflect back over your struggles that strengthen you to get ahead; channel that energy to fuel your motivation to continue to move forward. Always being mindful of what you've been through to get where you are.

Then today's teaching dealt with why should we be thankful? Every day we wake up, we should be thankful. We should be thankful for God's love, our new life (in Christ Jesus) & for those that have walked w/us. Again, this is in spite of your religious beliefs. Look at your current circumstances (good, bad or indifferent). Regardless if you're an avg Joe or a successful entrepreneur/businessman, you have something to be thankful for. God's love make it possible for you to utilize the gifts, skills, talents & abilities you possess to excel in business. That did not come just by osmosis(?). Your new life -- you're not living how you use to, from paycheck to paycheck, but you now have financial freedom to care for yourself & your family. You have the freedom to now be your own boss. And, let's not forget the people that pour their knowledge into you so that you could excel, get ahead & now give back. No one gets to where they are by themselves. Someone taught/mentor/walked with you to help get you where you are. No one stands alone.

So I ask you...are you thankful? Are you appreciative, grateful and satisfied w/what the Lord has done & continues to do in you? Until next time, peace!

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