Thursday, August 13, 2009

Knocked Down but Not Knocked Out!

It’s been awhile since we’ve last posted to our blog. We hope all is well w/everyone & that you’ve enjoyed your summer thus far.

Today’s post isn’t any different that what you’ve been reading in the newspapers or seeing on the news for quite some time now. What are we talking about? The HOUSING MARKET, that’s what!

While skimming the newspaper, we came across this profound article that paints a disturbing, yet true, picture of the impact the economy has had on the housing market. While there may be gloom & doom in the housing market, you as a homeowner have options. It’s a matter of timing & the ability to act fast. As Tyler Perry’s Madea character would say “If they coming ta get me, I ain’t fittin’ to get got!”. You, as homeowner, know your current financial situation. If you stop to take an realistic analysis of it & are certain that things will not immediately change for the better, then you owe it to yourself to seek help. Drop your pride, humble yourself & get help. There are programs available to assist you in/out of your current situation. The government & your lender can only do but so much. You have to take ownership of the situation & do what’s best for you.

We hear you saying, “That’s easy for you to say. You’re not in my situation.”. And, you know what? You’re right, we’re not but we know that we can help you graciously exit this situation without it being a fiasco or a detriment to your credit. How do we know? Because we’ve helped others just like you & they’re in a better place and position now to regain control of their financial future. So, what are you waiting for…contact us @ 800-358-1837. Or, visit us on the web @ Remember, time is of the essence. Especially for MD residents.

If you wish to read the article in its entirety, then click here. Until next time, Peace!

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